Equine Equipment

Digital x-ray

Our brand new, state-of-the-art equine digital radiography machine has a wireless plate, which receives the image and sends it to the laptop in seconds where it can be viewed immediately by the vet and owner.

It’s completely portable and can be brought in the car to the horse…all we need is a plug socket! The image quality of these new digital machines vastly outperforms more conventional machines. This means we can provide a more accurate diagnosis as well as x-ray parts of the horse such as the back (for kissing spines) at your yard instead of you having to drive miles to a veterinary practice.

We can now take better x-rays, faster and more cost-effectively.


At South Moor we are happy to work with BEVA/BAEDT registered dental technicians and perform dental work ourselves. We routinely carry a speculum (gag) to open a horse’s mouth, hand rasps (suitable for most routine work) and a light source.

The practice also has a power rasp which is very useful for certain dental conditions or when there are several horses to do at once. You can request the vet brings the power rasp when you book the appointment or the vet may suggest it is a good idea. The power rasp is very safe in the right hands.

In-house laboratory

In our practice laboratories, we can provide same-day haematology and biochemistry testing for your horse. We will also perform faecal worm egg counts ourselves on any sample you provide so you can be happy in the knowledge that any advice you are given is from a vet and not a lay-person. In an emergency, where a joint infection is suspected we can quickly run an in-house white blood cell count and total protein on a sample of the joint fluid and ascertain if the joint is involved or not.

We work closely with several external laboratories so we can send off samples for other sorts of tests to the most appropriate place.


We also have a brand new, super high quality ultrasound scanner with a specific tendon probe. This means we are no longer looking at grainy, difficult to interpret images, but high resolution, well-defined pictures. Again, this enables us to make more accurate diagnoses and measure smaller, more subtle lesions.

We also have specific reproductive scanners for breeding management.


We have endoscopes which allow us to examine the inside of the respiratory system and visualise any problems that might be occurring. We can refer horses for gastroscopy (stomach scoping) or have specialists that will come down and perform gastroscopy sessions in Devon.

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